CAT Tracks for November 4, 2012

The link to the article below was sent to me by a dear friend in North Carolina (who is painfully aware of my stubborn decision to sit out Election 2012.)

My friend is a die-hard, unapologetic supporter of Barack Obama and I know that she is hoping in her heart of hearts that the article below will enlighten me as to the error of my ways and drag me out of the house and to the polls come Tuesday to avert the obvious disaster that a Romney-Ryan Administration would inflict upon the dependent-upon-government-handout 47% or the broader not-as-rich-as-Mitt 99%, while boosting the 1% who created the mess that we find ourselves in today. ( THAT may take the prize as my longest sentence ever!)

I'm sure that my friend has Faith (hell, it's her first name!)...

...that the article below will appeal to my inner liberal Democrat, overcoming any personal petulance (bolstered by a mule-like "determination" akin to the symbol of the party.)


I have to admit, the article is absolutely convincing!

Unless you've got a million dollars stashed away in some off-shore account, you should NOT vote for the likes of Romney-Ryan... are not their kind of people!


I'm sure that it will come as no surprise to my friend when she reads my e-mail later this morning...

...that I remain, sincerely, stubborn as a Mewell. On Tuesday, I will be a stay-at-home voter.

But, I was nice...

...assuring her that my not voting will make no difference here, in the Land of Lincoln. President Obama will handily receive the 20 electoral votes of his home state.

Below is the editorial endorsement of the New Yorker magazine.

I found it extremely well-written.


The "history lesson" (of the George W. Bush years) reminded me of another piece of presidential folklore...the devastating closing question posed by the Republican nominee, Ronald Reagan, during his 1980 debate against President Jimmy Carter - asking the voters (that when they entered the voting booth) to ask themselves: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?".


In 2012, despite some remaining trials and tribulations, the answer is clear...


CAT Tracks Editor's Note:

I'm sorry, I just can't help a final catty comment...

If you are a teacher and that's all you care about, well, you might have a different response to the "better off" question (and I certainly wouldn't argue with you!)

However, before you head off to the polls, I would pose a follow-up question...

Instead of looking back, look forward:

As a teacher, do you really believe that President Mitt Romney will be your friend? That he will improve your lot in life? (I won't insult your intelligence by asking whether you believe his pandering remark during the final debate, when he said: "I love teachers!" Geez...)

If you still say "YES", then you must be one of those rich, fat-cat teachers whom I've been reading about over the past few years...

From the New Yorker...

The Choice