CAT Tracks for July 2, 2016
...in getting a free ride...
...try, try again.
From Education Week
High Court Puts Friedrichs to Rest, Opponents of Union Dues Rule Fight On
CAT Tracks Editor's Note:
These folks are complete hypocrites...
...the same folks who condemn people on welfare - people who "get something for nothing" - wanting negotiated benefits for themselves without paying union dues.
A violation of their freedom of speech?
Funny they have been free to speak their minds - about the alleged injustice of paying union dues - even taking their self-serving beliefs all the way to the United States Supreme Court...
...all a smoke screen for their real intent, which is to gut the power of unions.
An even greater sign of their hypocrisy:
How in the hell is paying or not paying union dues an issue affecting the well-being of children?
The bottom line:
Abolish public sector unions and its workers will make less money, while "the powers that be" accumulate more power, more money.
That is what is already happening in the private sector...
...where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer...
and the middle class is becoming an endangered species.
Abolish unions...
...and things will eventually get so bad that unions will rise again, for the same reasons that they did in the first place.
As it is said:
Those who don't know their history, or forget their history, are doomed to repeat their mistakes.
They will then have to fight those same "history book" battles again!
Lead plaintiff Rebecca Friedrichs, a veteran Orange County, Calif., teacher, said that the Supreme Court decision not to rehash the case represents a defeat for children, but that the fight is far from over.