CAT Tracks for July , 2016
From WPSD TV Channel 6
Army Corps of Engineers denies Len Small Levee assistance request
From WSIL TV Channel 3
Repairs denied on Alexander County levee
From KFVS TV Channel 12
Alexander Co. officials ask what's next after Corps denies funding for levee repairs
Meanwhile, back at the Birds Point-New Madrid floodway, $16 million is chump change...
From the National Wildlife Federation
Stop the New Madrid Levee Project
...heck, let's spend $165 million to protect a floodway! What part of "floodway" does FEMA not understand?!
The United States Supreme Court ruled decisively back during the Flood of 2011 that the Birds Point Levee had to be blown. Guess FEMA figures that if they build a brand new $165 million barrier to protect Missouri farmland, that the court will say to hell with small Southern Illinois communities and let 'em flood.
Okay, let's give the Mayor of Cairo the last word...
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch