CAT Tracks for August 18, 2016
The Cairo Board of Education held its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, August 17th, at 6 p.m.
The amended agenda is below...
...followed by the "minutes":
1. Coleman, Harris, Nelson, Burris, Gooden, and McBride were present for roll call. (Stubblefield arrived at 6:11 p.m.)
2. Examples of Excellence: CE Dean of Students Regina Brown introduced 2nd Grade Teacher Angela Coleman and three of her students. They did a presentation for the BOE on being "Respectful, Responsible, Smart, Safe, and Ready to Learn at Cairo Elementary." CJSHS Principal Dr. Lisa Childs Thomas and CE Dean Regina Brown took turns reporting on the first week of school at their respective buildings. CE Kindergarten Teacher (CAT President) De De O'Shea remarked on Dean Brown's initiative in creating an additional section of Kindergarten, thereby reducing the student-teacher ratio to less than 20 students per section, a first in her tenure. (Research data indicates that small class size in the lower grades helps promote/increase student achievement.)
3. No employee or member of the public asked to speak to the BOE.
4. The Consent Agenda was approved as one motion with no questions or discussion.
5 & 6. CSD Superintendent Dr. Andrea Evers gave a brief report on the opening of school, noting that enrollment was down about 35 students from this time last year. She indicated to the BOE that a list of teachers due to be evaluated this year had been sent. She gave the date for the upcoming Open Houses at CE and CJSHS. To allow for the required 30-day notice for a Public Hearing on the 2016-2017 Budget, the date of the Regular September Meeting of the BOE will be Monday the 19th, rather than the scheduled previous Thursday. (That Hearing will be conducted just prior to the Regular Meeting.)
7. No comment. (As regular readers of CAT Tracks have noticed, the actual list of "Checks Deposited" is no longer published on the meeting agenda.)
8. The BOE voted to enter Closed Session at 6:34 p.m. The BOE voted to exit Closed Session at 7:42 p.m.
9. Requiring Action/Decisions By Board of Education:
10. Old Business (which is actually used for "Other Business") - Superintendent Evers asked for the BOE's input in a possible amendment to the District's student dress code...to include allowing students the option of wearing an Oxford dress shirt in addition to the current polo shirts. (The Oxford shirts would also be required to be in the currently allowed colors of royal blue, black, or white.) Superintendent Evers indicated that her proposal for amending the dress code was in response to parental requests. The BOE indicated its receptiveness to the idea.
11. The BOE voted to adjourn at 7:51 p.m.