CAT Tracks for September 18, 2016

Prior to its Regular Meeting on Monday, September 19th, the Cairo Board of Education conducted a Public Hearing on the 2016-2017 Budget:


The Public Hearing was called to order at 5:40 p.m.

BOE members Stubblefield, Nelson, Gooden, and McBride answered roll call. (Harris arrived at 5:46 p.m.; Burris arrived at 6:16 p.m.)

CSD Bookkeeper/Accountant Janiece Gibson did the honors of reviewing/explaining the 2016-2017 District Budget. The two most informative pages of the 30-page document are reproduced near the end of this post, along with a "Deficit Budget Summary Information - Operating Funds Only" page.

Bottom line:

Janiece commented that "at the end of the year, we should be in pretty good shape." Also: "Like last year...we had a deficit budget, but finished in the black."

In conclusion, Janiece informed the BOE that the District had received a letter from the Alexander County Board of Review, informing the District that Bunge Corporation was challenging its assessment, claiming that its assessment should be reduced from $4.5 million to $4.1 million. According to Janiece's projections, this would reduce District local tax revenue by approximately $25,000. She commented that this would be in line with preceding years, a gradually declining EAV (Equalized Assessed Valuation). She further added that, fortunately, over that period the District had been able to recoup said loss of local tax revenue in other areas (e.g. last year's increase in General State Revenue.

No testimony was given by the public (albeit none was sought).

The Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:19 p.m.

On to the Regular Meeting!

An AMENDED AGENDA was available at the podium and is immediately below...

...followed by the "minutes":


1. The Regular Meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m. (with all BOE members present except Mary Coleman.)

2. Examples of Excellence: CJSHS Principal Dr. Lisa Childs-Thomas had the honors and introduced CJSHS Teacher Adam Van Winkle to report on the District's Apple Plan. The gist of the presentation was the implementation of technology to improve attendance and academics, while reducing discipline problems, all through increased student engagement. (Project-based learning/collaboration.)

3. No members of the audience asked to be recognized to address the BOE.

4. Approval of Consent Agenda - Approved in one motion (with no questions or discussion.)

5. Informational - Again, Superintendent Dr. Andrea Evers read a list of activities and dates (I think from the "Board Biz" handout included in the BOE packets but not available to the public.) Again, I did not try to keep up.

    One distressing informational item did catch my attention...

    ...namely that District enrollment has dropped from 546 two years ago, to 500 last year, to 427 now. Wow!

    There is a silver lining...

    ...attendance is up from last year.


6. The BOE voted to enter Closed Session at 7:06 p.m. The BOE voted to exit Closed Session at 8:50 p.m.

7. Requiring Action/Decisions By Board of Education:

With the exceptions noted below, the BOE voted to approve all items listed on the amended agenda.

The hirings:

  • Jr. Prom Sponsor - Maria Watkins
  • Security - Mike Brown
  • Head Coach - Jr. High Boys Basketball - Mike Brown
  • Assistant Coach - Jr. High Boys Basketball - Nick Davis
  • Head Coach - Jr. High Girls Basketball - Lareesha Reed
  • Head Coach - High School Boys Basketball - Brian Brandtner
  • Assistant Coach - High School Boys Basketball - Larry Woods
  • Assistant Coach - High School Girls Basketball - Alvin Wiggins
If you weren't keeping score...

...hirings on the agenda which were tabled:

  • Jr. High English/Language Teacher/Math
  • Assistant Coach Jr. High Girls Basketball
  • Head Coach - High School Girls Basketball

Also "tabled" was to "Approve Maintenance Agreement for the maintenance of the 22 passenger Mini Buses."

But, do not fear!

There will be a Special BOE Meeting on October 12th to "tie up loose ends."

Also, the District is going to post the position of "Jr/Sr High School Athletic Director."

With that, the BOE voted to adjourn at 9:01 p.m.