CAT Tracks for September 20, 2016


From: Donna Boros
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:01 AM
Subject: [supt-list] Teachers' Institute
To: ""

Hello Everyone,

Just a few friendly reminders about the Teachers' Institute:

You or your designee are needed to monitor sign-in sheets for your district. Sign-in sheets will be arranged alphabetically by district in the east entry hallway and the cafeteria. This worked very well last year and we appreciate your help.

Please remind your teachers to car pool if possible. Also, the activity bus will begin shuttling from the Mall parking lot (just across Walnut Street from CCHS) at 7:30 a.m.

Thank you!
Donna B.

The original post follows...

From: Donna Boros
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:37 AM
Subject: [supt-list] Annual Teacher's Institute
To: "" ,

Hello Everyone,

Attached is the program for the Annual Regional Teacher's Institute that will be held October 7, 2016, at Carbondale Community High School.

Please distribute this to your staff. Also, the program will be posted on our website at

We have a wide variety of interesting and informative professional development sessions. I want to extend a huge "Thank you," to our presenters for their willingness to share their expertise and to our ROE staff for their work in planing the Institute. Much appreciation, too, to Steve Murphy and the CCHS staff for hosting this year's Institute and for their help!

We appreciate your assistance in distributing the program. This is going to be an exciting pd event. We look forward to seeing everyone there!!

From ROE 30

FY 17 Teachers' Institute Program*

*I was going to scan and post...

...until I saw that the program was 18 pages.


...instead, I posted the PDF link.

Have fun...

...whichever one of you teachers is going!?

Maybe it's the same teacher who claims possession of the Teacher's Lounge at Cairo Junior/Senior High School.


Well, it used to be MINE. I would welcome new teachers each year to MY lounge :-)

BTW: When I departed CJSHS, I did not leave a will, did not bequeath MY lounge to anyone.

So, go for it!!!